Saturday, September 11, 2004

Just a little venting, please mind the Steam.

I must agree and disagree with Shark here. I know, a first, though not a total disagreement, maybe more questioning. Are we protecting the people providing aide over there or are we the ones providing aide? Other than that, I also would gladly go help where I can, and definitly strike at the heart of all our terrorist problems so that my friends/family are safe here at home. On September 11, 2001, my cousin Ms. Robinson of the USN was stationed in the south pentra of the Pentagon, she has since been moved away from there along with an ex and family friend Patrice(now higher ranked than a major and last name deleted to protect her.) I didn't personally loose anyone that day, but was scared as shit while watching on the news and recognizing the southern pentra that was the place people I cared for worked. So I fully back the portion of his campaign to stamp out the "Father" of these terrorist acts. Sadaam did bankroll a lot of these actions, and helps them still with the connections he gave them. I also must point out to GW that while he is going after the current antagonist, he should arrest his father, former Pres. Bush, because that bastard was CIA director and helped train some of the groups in terrorist and counter-terrorist protocol. That shit bit us back hard,and Russia was not ever a big of a threat as what we started to train these groups to be now. We created this beast, trained it and made it rabid, now it has bitten the hand that fed it. I say kill all the bastards and let whatever GOD or GODS they believe in sort that shit out.


Blogger Shark said...

While we do have bombs(many,many bombs,don't know where the all are,but we have them)It is not as simple as commiting genocide as in WW2,we must show that we are "the good guys" and kill them one on one.As for the opening statement we are doing both.

Friday, September 17, 2004 5:20:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

Easy you just look at their feet.while you hold them bye their ankels.and if they smile good if not drop repeatedly until tired.

Saturday, September 18, 2004 6:56:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

Aww shucks it twernt nothing!

Sunday, September 19, 2004 11:36:00 PM  

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